Telematics can help farmers manage vehicle fleets
The following information is provided by Nationwide®, the No. 1 farmand ranch insurer in theU.S.* With the growing number of truck and vehicle fleets beingmaintained on today’s large farms, farmers are lookingmore like commercial agribusinessmanagers every day. While that evolution opens up new riskexposures, safety is just oneof thevalue propositionsthatmakestelematicsaworth- whileaddition toany large farmoperation. Telematics is acollectionof sensors that collect vehicle operation data and display it onamobileappordesktopwebbrowser. It allows you to keep track of your fleet’s operation andmanagemaintenance and upkeep. It alsoprovidesaviewof driverbe- havior andhelpsmaintaina safe, attentive workforce on the road and in the field. In short, telematics enables you to keep tabs oneverything that contributes topro- ductivityandefficiency, aswell aspotential risk exposure. “Telematics generates data just like farmers get from their yield monitors in the field,” said Nationwide Agribusiness SeniorRiskManagementConsultantBrian Hammer. “During harvest, you used to have to call the grain elevator to find out if your driver hadunloadedgrainyet, soyou
3. Maintenance: Sensors can alert you to any triggered engine failure codes and when it’s time to conduct routinemainte- nance at the optimal times. This can also help you manage operating expenses by helping minimize the likelihood of cost- ly, unexpected repairs through improved routinemaintenance. Hammer saidany farmerwho’sgotmul- tiple trucks on the road should consider how telematics can help operate more safely and efficiently. “Telematics is common in the commer- cial trucking industry, and we’re taking whatwehave learnedthereandapplying it to the farm,” he said. “Farmers are already accustomed to generating andmanaging data. Telematics is another tool to help farmers make informed decisions to im- prove their efficiency and productivity.” Learnmore about Nationwide agribusi- nessinsuranceatwww.nationwideagribusi- agent *A.M. Best Market Share Report 2019. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, andNationwide is onyour sideare service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2021Nationwide.
couldplanaroundthe tripback tothe field. Withtelematics,nowyouknowwhereyour truck is in seconds.” Telematicscangeneratevaluethreeways: 1. Production/logistics: Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles on the road canhelpyoubettermanagefieldoperations and other farmwork. Telematics provides real-time location data and facilitates in- formeddecisionsonwhat’snext in the field orontheroad.Youcanalsogetnotifications when trucks move, helping confirm your drivers are on the road when they’re sup-
posed tobeand trucks aren’tmovingwhen they’renot, like in themiddleof thenight. 2. Safety: Telematics documents exces- sive speed, hardbrakingandsharpcorner- ing, all of which can indicate aggressive or inattentive driving. Camerasmonitor driv- ers’behavior toensuretheyaren’toperating carelesslyorinattentively,helpingyouman- age your workforce andprovide incentives for safe operation. Fuel sensors onmany telematics systems shed light on driver behavior; rapid acceleration, for example, oftencauses fuel economy todecline.
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May 26, 2021 Ag Alert 19
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